In the midst of the awe-inspiring Drakensberg Mountains lies the renowned Drakensberg Sun Resort, a haven of tranquility and luxury. Partnering with Quantum Sun, a beacon of hospitality and excellence, the resort has consistently been promoted as the ultimate...
Nestled along the Southern Cape coast of South Africa lies a pristine paradise awaiting exploration: Plettenberg Bay, affectionately known as Plett. This premier holiday destination boasts a tapestry of natural wonders, from sweeping golden beaches to the iconic...
Beacon Island Beacon Island Resort’s status as an iconic landmark in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, coupled with its proximity to the ocean, makes it a truly special destination for travellers seeking a coastal retreat. Its prime location right by the ocean...
The Peninsula Location, Location, Location! The Peninsula All Suite Hotel is centrally located in the vibey and cosmopolitan area of Sea Point, Cape Town. This well-appointed hotel offers comfortable, spacious, self-catering suites and is a stone’s throw from the...
uMhlanga Sands uMhlanga Sands Resort, is located along Lagoon Drive in the ever popular uMhlanga Rocks, in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, and sits right on the stunning uMhlanga Promenade. It is indeed an ideal destination for a family getaway. uMhlanga Sands Resort...
Cabana Beach Cabana Beach Resort is a popular family-friendly beachfront resort located on the stunning uMhlanga coastline in the province of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. Cabana Beach Resort is an ideal destination for families and travellers alike, looking for a...
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